martes, 4 de septiembre de 2018


Today was an intense day, too many emotions for one day with my ex husband, I really care about him but I hope to leave this in the past soon. While I listen to Be yourself from audioslave I think on many things about my present, my past and my future. What is it gonna be when I come back and read those posts? Or maybe they won't exist anymore and people will never read them. It will never reach anybody, but that's ok because it's the way I take everything out. My ex was a good man, I can't help feeling I was the one making the mistake but what can you do when your emotions control you? Not much right? But anyway there's nothing much to say, I will always be the broken doll I am and I was, the cracks will always be there but I can put the pieces together and keep living, after all we all have cracks, ones bigger than others but we keep going; they will be filled with gold so they look prettier because all of them are a story to tell to people. So I have to keep my head straight, put a smile on my face and fight. Because I'm a fighter I survived many things and I never died, I had the opportunity to keep living and that's what counts, that I can see the blue sky or even when is gray and rains I can feel it in my body and that means I'm alive.
Mireya Luna 🌙

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